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Abi Oladimeji

Chief Investment Officer

Abi Oladimeji
work +44 (0) 20 7204 2745

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Abi joined Thomas Miller Investment in 2006 after several years as a financial economist. He has written extensively and led seminars on a broad range of economic and investment related topics.

Abi’s role at Thomas Miller Investment ranges from leading our economic analysis and asset allocation research, to devising investment strategy and managing multi-asset portfolios for our largest clients. Abi leads the investment strategy committee and is responsible for the investment process across all asset classes and all client portfolios. He is a Director of Thomas Miller Investment Ltd and a member of TMI’s senior management committee.

In September 2013, Abi received an award for excellence in institutional asset management and was listed by Financial News as one of ‘40 Under 40 Rising Stars of European Asset Management’. 

Abi studied economics at the University of York and holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from the London Business School. He also holds the Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) designation.

The value of your investment can go down as well as up, and you can get back less than you originally invested. Past performance or any yields quoted should not be considered reliable indicators of future returns. Prevailing tax rates and relief are dependent on individual circumstances and are subject to change.

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